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Component Model

The Accessibility Theme Builder application is has two main components:

  • the SDK (written in Typescript) which performs calculations and generates code (e.g. CSS, JSON) for your theme;

  • a user-friendly, React-based application which not only makes it easy to use the SDK, but also displays a visual representation for the atoms, molecules, and organisms so that you can see your theme real-time.

The following diagram shows the overall architecture.


On the left, the browser visits the server application. This application is a node application which is written in Typescript and uses Express. This application provides a simple API which is used to persist the user's themes. This persistence API manages storage which is written to each time the user clicks the button to save a theme and read from each time the user loads a theme or switches to another one.

On the right is the client which runs inside the browser as a React-based SPA (Single Page Application). This application uses the popular MUI React component library to render the user interface components and the SDK to manage themes, atoms, molecules, and organisms and to perform code generation (CSS and JSON).